Interview with Melissa Strout - an Occupational Therapist and a Certified Dementia Practitioner
Melissa Strout is an occupational therapist and dementia practitioner. She is going to help us identify and understand the different behaviors in Dementia since she is going to publish her book soon called, “Managing different behaviors in Dementia”.
01:11 – Who is Melissa Strout and what does she do?
01:42 – In what specific part of Florida is Melissa living at right now?
02:16 – The most common dementia behavior that Melissa see in her practice.
02:38 – What is sundowning and how can we prevent it?
04:21 – What is Melissa’s book all about?
06:43 – Where can you reach Melissa?
07:34 – Melissa’s advice to practitioners who handle patients with Dementia.
08:10 – Remember the word F-A-S-T.
Melissa’s Email:
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