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It’s already 7 PM and I just got home.

Just right now I had a lady message me about her plans in life.

She’s actually a Physical Therapy Assistant and she’s also a massage therapist.

She’s been having a hard time moving on forward with her life.

I coach a lot of people and sometimes, you just have to be smart with everything.

In the therapy world, we have what you call SMART goals.

Your goals needs to be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

When you’re taking care of your loved ones, who have Dementia, Alzheimer’s, or stroke, you have to be SMART in taking care of them.

You put a goal. Not only for them but also for yourself.

You have to learn how to push forward and make a SMART goal for yourself.

Not only for your loved ones, but you also have to have a goal for yourself. You have to write them down.

I have a journal that I write on. It’s called the Caregiver Freedom Journal.


[one_half_last]It’s available at Amazon.

Or you can get any journal or any kind of notebook.

Because when you hear it, you forget. When you see it, you remember, but when you see it, and hear it, and write it, then you understand.

That’s when you understand your goals.

Physicians and therapists like me, we write down stuff for our patients.[/one_half_last]

Aside from a Medicare requirement, we write them down.

We write down the patient’s name, their address, the patient’s goal, their subjective complaints and their objective data.

It’s the same thing with you.

If you want to move on forward with your life and in taking care of your loved ones, and being the beast caregiver, you have to have SMART goals.

Get the Caregiver’s Freedom Journal here.

Enroll in our new course – MisUnderstanding Dementia here.


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About the author 

Dr Michael Chua PT, DPT

Dr Michael Chua is a physical therapist practising in Home Health, Skilled Nursing Facilities and Acute Care Hospital. His clinical interest involves pain management, geriatrics and dementia management. He enjoys treating patients and bringing out the best in them using positive treatment approaches, his dynamic work setting in a rural area provides an opportunity to treat a wide range from geriatrics to orthopaedics.

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