Last night Dr. Emma Shapiro interviewed me on her podcast called “Therapists On Fire.”
Her website is at She’s very good with all this debt free stuff. And she’s rocking it!
She asked me a lot of questions and I have forgotten some, but there’s this one question that really stood out for me.
She asked me, “What is the highlight of my success in my career?”
And I answered that the real highlight is when you failed. That’s where you really get successful. It’s when you fail.
It’s not how many times you’ve failed or fallen, got sick, or got rejected. It’s how many times you stand up and do it all over again.
I’ve failed a lot of exams, I’ve been rejected in a lot of jobs, and I just kept on moving forward. And did it all over again.
It’s the same thing with care-giving and taking care of a loved one, or taking care of your patient. If you are a caregiver right now, you’ll feel and encounter failure. But the key is trying to do it all over again.
I have this Chinese or Japanese proverb that says, “Fall seven times, stand up eight.”
Just keep doing it! Keep going!