Interview With Deanna Gillingham
How do you become a Certified Case Manager?
Deanna Gillingham talks about qualifications and requirements on how to become a CCM.
In This Podcast:
03:21 – Introducing Deanna Gillingham
07:23 – What does she do as a CEO of Case Management Institute and what are the qualifications to be a case manager?
11:32 – How do you qualify to be a CCM?
14:35 – Who gives the CCM exam?
20:47 – What does LMS means?
22:44 – What is MCG?
24:37 – What is Deanna’s role?
32:02 – How do you start?
40:37 – Deanna’s course
49:36 – Can a PTA do a utilization review case management?
51:03 – How do you become an Independent Utilization Reviewer?
54:54 – Independent Contracting
57:06 – Where can you reach out to Deanna?
59:06 – The M-E-N-T-O-R method
1:00:25 – Last parting wisdom from Deanna
1:01:27 – Always remember the word F-A-S-T!
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