Today is a sad day for me and my wife.
The husband of one of her good friends died. He passed away very suddenly.
It’s just sad because my father just passed away several months ago.
It’s still difficult if you have a death in the family.
Death is inevitable. It will come. It’s just a matter of time on when we will pass away.
Whether you are a caregiver or caregiving for your loved ones, death will come.
My challenge for you today is to say “I love you,” more often to your loved ones.
Say I love you to your kids, to your parents. If you’re living with them, then that’s good, if you’re far, still say I love you.
Our time in this earth is just so quick. It’s just a vapor according to the bible.
It’s just quick and we don’t know when our time will come.
Make the most out of it. Love your family members and let them know of your love.
Care for them.
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