They May Forget Your Name, They May Forget Who You Are, But They Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel

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Yesterday, there was a conference in Union City called – Alzheimer’s Association Facilitator Group Training. They made us feel welcome.

I listened to all the lectures but I actually forgot all the things they said. However, I will never forget how they made me feel.

The people there made us feel very important, they welcomed us and opened up their doors.

That made me feel special.

It’s the same thing with taking care of your loved ones, taking care of your dementia patients.

They may not remember your name, they may not remembers who you are. I know it’s hard. But they will never forget how you made them feel.

That’s what I challenge you to do as a care-giver, as a therapist, as a nurse, whoever you are or whoever you’re taking care of. They’ll forget what you did. They’ll forget what procedure you did for them.

But they will never ever forget how you made them feel.

Our dementia patients, they still have feelings, they still have emotions, and they can see if you made them feel special.


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About the author 

Dr Michael Chua PT, DPT

Dr Michael Chua is a physical therapist practising in Home Health, Skilled Nursing Facilities and Acute Care Hospital. His clinical interest involves pain management, geriatrics and dementia management. He enjoys treating patients and bringing out the best in them using positive treatment approaches, his dynamic work setting in a rural area provides an opportunity to treat a wide range from geriatrics to orthopaedics.

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