How a Student DPT Brandon C. Schaffer became a CQI Compliance and Quality Improvement Mentor
How a Student DPT, Brandon C. Schaffer, became a CQI Compliance and Quality Improvement Mentor and Author of 20 Tips to Write Defensive Documentation to Maximize Reimbursement.
In This Podcast:
01:43 – Introducing Brandon Schaffer.
03:21 – What does he do?
07:50 – What qualifies you to be a CQI?
10:39 – What made him write a book?
13:38 – Brandon gives us some tips.
14:36 – What are the different companies you can apply for to be a Mock Auditor or CQI?
15:36 – How do they do their Facility Charts?
17:31 – Where can we reach Brandon?
18:15 – Last parting wisdom from Brandon.
19:05 – Always remember the word F-A-S-T!
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